Innovation Award

Pacific Northwest Region Fisheries Program: For development of an innovative bridge-building technique that will save significant time and money in correcting fish passage barriers within the Pacific Northwest, and the application of this technique on Wee Burn Creek.   Case Study Project Summary The pipe arch and circular CMP were undersized and prone to woody […]

Northwest Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee

The Copher’s have been consistently doing excellent work in road construction, logging, and bridge placements for many years. Gene and Steve take the time and expense to do everything needed to ensure resource protection and maintain their high degree of professionalism far above the Forest Practices Act. Several years ago, they saw a need for […]

Daily Journal of Commerce

This invention relates to bridges and more particularly to a bridge construction for use in road building in wetlands and stream crossings, where ecological importance recognizes that natural ecological importance recognizes that natural stream bottoms are essential for preservation of fish and other aquatic wildlife. This invention provides a short-span bridge construction for small streams […]

USDA Forest Service Aquatic Restoration

Retired Engineer and Recreation Staff Officer Mr. Micheal Platz took time to write us a nice letter. We have done several projects for the Forest Service and other government departments, and they’ve all been happy customers. I worked for the U.S. Forest Service for 34 years and most of that time spent developing and maintaining […]

Sandy Post: Wee Burn Bridge

Clackamas County has replaced a lot of faulty stream culverts with bridges – 73 to be exact – but just one of these projects stands out to area government leaders as cutting edge technology. Some New York or Los Angeles engineering firm didn’t develop that project –the Wee Burn Creek Bridge near the Resort at […]

Daily Journal of Commerce

Wild Coho salmon have already endorsed a Sandy company’s innovative bridge design. The father-and-son team behind the environmentally friendly structures hopes human approval will follow as well. Pacific Bridge and Construction’s Steve and Gene Copher got a shot at proving their design to government agencies with the October completion of Wee Burn Bridge. Clackamas County, […]

Clackamas Current News

High Water during heavy rain used to make Cedarhurst Neighborhood residents living at the end Sylvan Road nervous. The access road to their property crossed over a series of culverts over Spring Creek, a tributary to Clear Creek. When the creek rose, water backed up behind d1eculvcrtS, with potential to wash out their road. Long […]

Nez Perce Tribe – Trent Grade (George Creek) Bridge

On Thursday, August 2″‘,2007 Pacific Bridge & Construction, Inc. of Sandy, Oregon completed construction of the reference project utilizing their patented Modular Precostonstruction Concrete Small Stream Bridge system. They had mobilize Monday morning of that some week  72 hours later they were pocked up and heading bock home. I hove never hod the occasion to […]